Our Data team has found that the number of people searching for drug and alcohol support services on Ask Izzy and other Infoxchange service directories has doubled since the peak of COVID-19 in 2020.
In February 2020, Infoxchange Group CEO David Spriggs gave evidence to the Parliament of Victoria’s Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee for the Inquiry into Homelessness in Victoria.
In our twelfth and final report in this series, we present the key emergent themes around how COVID-19 impacted the services searched for by vulnerable people in Australia on Ask Izzy.
We’ve broken down some of the latest data on how COVID-19 impacted searches for culturally and linguistically diverse, refugee and asylum seeker support services on Ask Izzy, in our eleventh of a series of 12 reports.
In the tenth of a series of 12 reports, we’ve broken down some of the latest data on how COVID-19 impacted the way people in Australia search for drug and alcohol support services on Ask Izzy.