Technology for social justice
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IT advice

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In a year when organisations have had to adapt to many changes, the one constant in the information security arena is that security threats are always changing. Here's why you need to stay on top of it.

One of the biggest lessons we're learning from COVID-19 is how crucial it is to have good, reliable technology. Find out how much you need to be spending on tech so your organisation continues to thrive after COVID-19.

Many tech organisations are providing extra resources to help the workforce cope with the added strain from the coronavirus pandemic - here is a list of resources particularly relevant for not-for-profits.

The COVID-19 crisis has made us more dependent than ever before on the digital world. Here are some of our tips to help everyone stay connected during this time. 

As more organisations are transitioning to working from home during the COVID-19 outbreak, here are some key points that your not-for-profit should be looking at to manage the cyber risks.

Here are some of the measures we’re taking to support people and our sector as much as possible as the coronavirus crisis unfolds.


Find out how your service area is performing when it comes to technology, with data from the "Digital Technology in the Not-for-Profit Sector" 2019 report.

As we continue to embrace technology in all its forms, we need to remember that there is always a cost for the convenience that technology brings.

There has been much in the media recently on data breaches involving the disclosure of personal information, so what do not-for-profits need to do to be safe?

Budgets are tight and resources are low, but we’re still always striving to make the biggest impact we can with what’s available to us. Technology can play a crucial part in delivering that impact.

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