Digital Technology in the Not-for-Profit Sector – How does your not-for-profit compare?
The 2022 Digital Technology in the Not-for-Profit Sector report provides a comprehensive look at how not-for-profits and social enterprises across Australia and New Zealand are leveraging technology to achieve their missions.
Speaking at the report’s launch, Assistant Minister for Competition, Charities and Treasury, Dr Andrew Leigh MP, said the report highlights the need to ensure community sector organisations have access to the technologies they need and training on how to use them effectively.
“The Digital Technology in the Not-For-Profit Sector report puts a spotlight on issues that come up in so many of my conversations with the sector – how to use data, how to ensure that organisations are making the most of online technologies to organise their volunteers, manage their day-to-day operations, and to seek support from the community,” said Assistant Minister Leigh.
“If we are going to turn that around and become a more reconnected nation, we need our charities and not-for-profits to be as tech-enabled as possible. The work that Infoxchange does is absolutely at the heart of this important sector.”
Organisations have invested more in technology in the last 12 months in response to the rapidly changing needs of communities, the need to transform service delivery and support new ways of working in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and rising cost of living pressures.
This includes 78% of organisations having moved or being in the process of moving a significant portion of their systems to the cloud.
Infoxchange CEO David Spriggs said this year’s report paints a picture of a sector that has largely transitioned to the cloud and is supporting hybrid-based working, with the focus now on building the digital skills of staff and volunteers.
“Organisations are also now prioritising how they can better utilise information systems to measure outcomes and better understand the impact of their services,” said Mr Spriggs.
Key findings from the report include:
- The number one priority of respondents is building staff digital skills to better respond to challenges due to navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.
- 53% of respondents don’t provide cyber-security awareness training to their staff, placing their data at greater risk of a security breach.
- Only 41% of organisations indicated that their current information systems allow them to fully understand their impact.
- Only 56% of respondents indicated their staff are confident using the technology and information systems required for their role.
- Australian not-for-profits spent 30% more on digital technology in the last 12 months compared to the previous year.
In July 2021, Infoxchange launched the Digital Transformation Hub with the support of the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and the Gandel Foundation to assist not-for-profits to deliver services more effectively through the use of technology, address information security needs, improve staff skills and deliver greater impact to communities in need.
The last few years have demonstrated just how essential the effective use of technology is across the sector. Over 10,000 organisations have accessed the Digital Transformation Hub in the last year.
“The insights we have gained from this year’s report will help us to further inform and develop the Digital Transformation Hub,” said Mr Spriggs.
“We look forward to supporting the sector to ensure they are fully equipped to continue embracing the benefits that digital technology has to offer.”
To download the full report, click here.
For information on how you can improve the way your organisation utilises technology, head over to the Digital Transformation Hub.