Infoxchange to lead Australian-first portal for those experiencing homelessness in WA
Infoxchange, Anglicare WA, Innovation Unit and Anthologie will collaborate on the project which is expected to be delivered in the first half of 2023.
“With over 10 years’ experience in delivering case management systems for the homelessness sector in Western Australia, Infoxchange is thrilled to formally announce this appointment to deliver an Australian-first digital platform for those seeking housing and homelessness support,” says David Spriggs, CEO at Infoxchange.
Awarded a contract of $2.25 million, the consortium will develop the portal on behalf of the Department of Communities.
“The portal will provide greater capacity for faster intervention and support for people falling into homelessness, helping prevent the risk of individuals experiencing long-term issues such as chronic rough sleeping,” says WA Homelessness Minister John Carey.
The project will engage community service organisations alongside people with a lived experience of homelessness to ensure the portal is accessible and meets the needs of its users.
The portal will hold information about accommodation and support services and will be a tool for people to securely manage and share their confidential information.
Initial work for the portal will commence over the coming months, which will include a co-design process led by Infoxchange and informed by those experiencing housing insecurity.
The improved data collection provided to the community services sector via the portal will assist in providing better outcomes for people in need by making access to appropriate referrals easier to navigate.
Infoxchange has a proven track record of utilising technology to improve the lives of people experiencing disadvantage and will leverage its experience in deploying referral and vacancy management systems to ensure efficient, impactful delivery of this project.
“Infoxchange is looking forward to bringing this portal to life and making the process of securing housing for vulnerable people in Western Australia”, says David.
For all media inquiries, please contact:
Bronwyn Miller – Senior Media and Communications Advisor
Ph: 0438 092 371 Email: [email protected].
Infoxchange Group CEO David Spriggs is available for interviews and further comment upon request.