Support for people affected by bushfires
The information on this page is for people affected by the current bushfires across Australia.
You can still use our directories such as Ask Izzy, Service Seeker, SACommunity (SA), Lifeline, HSNet (NSW) and oneplace (QLD) to find other services, but please be aware that some services may be affected by the fires.
Emergency bushfire relief
You can use Ask Izzy to find a nearby bushfire emergency relief centre. Please note that these centres may open and close on short notice.
Fire and emergency information in your state
New South Wales: Bushfire information line 1800 679 737 or visit www.rfs.nsw.gov.au
Victoria: VicEmergency hotline 1800 226 226 or visit emergency.vic.gov.au
Queensland: Rural Fire Service www.ruralfire.qld.gov.au
Western Australia: Emergency WA emergency.wa.gov.au
South Australia: Bushfire information hotline 1800 362 361 or visit South Australian Country Fire Service www.cfs.sa.gov.au
Tasmania: Tasmanian fire service www.fire.tas.gov.au
ACT: ACT Emergency Services Agency esa.act.gov.au/fire-rescue
Northern Territory: NT Police, Fire & Emergency services www.pfes.nt.gov.au/fire-and-rescue-service
Disaster recovery support
Recovery support is available for people directly affected by bushfires. See the Department of Human Services for available support in your state.
If you want to help
Updating service information
Our database over 370,000 services listed, and we’d love your help at making sure they’re up to date. If you have information about a service in our directory that is closed or has altered information, please let us know by completing this form.
Donating money
For those with money to give, the Australian Red Cross and state-based fire authorities will gratefully accept your donations.