Technology for social justice

Tackling homelessness in WA

This week we’re at the Western Australia Council of Sector Service (WACOSS) Conference in Perth, talking to other not-for-profit organisations about Service Seeker, Ask Izzy, SRS Client and Case Management and lots more.

Western Australia plays an important part in the work we do, and we’ve loved having the chance to meet and talk to so many people working in the sector.

One of the important roles Western Australia plays in our work is through Ask Izzy, our mobile site that lists thousands of homelessness services across the state. People experiencing homelessness are able quickly and easily find the help they need, with services including housing, food, clothing and health services, family violence, mental health and drug and alcohol support.

We work closely with Western Australian service providers to ensure the information provided on Ask Izzy is up-to-date and correct, and we’re looking forward to continuing this work to ensure Western Australians are being helped the best way possible.


wacoss_booth_website.pngWe also work with many Western Australian organisations through our Specialist Homelessness Information Platform (SHIP), a system specifically designed for the homelessness sector that supports agencies in reporting for the new Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) collection.

SHIP is a customised version of SRS Client & Case Management, our online case management system that makes managing data efficient and affordable for community organisations.

The conference has been a great chance to hear stories from Western Australian service providers and chat about how we might help them continue their important work.

We look forward to working with more organisations and forming more partnerships in Western Australia in the future.

Filed in: Housing and homelessness | Tagged as: WACOSS , Ask Izzy , Events

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