Lifeline app supports people in crisis
One in five Australians will experience a mental health issue in the next 12 months, so it’s important that those who need help have easy access to it. Lifeline Australia provides 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services to anyone experiencing a personal crisis.
Infoxchange has worked with Lifeline to develop the new Service Finder app, launched last month. The app is putting the details of more than 85 000 support service records in the hands of over 2000 Australians who use Lifeline’s services every day.
Lifeline Australia’s Chief Executive Officer Pete Shmigel said that both service providers and the broader community will benefit from the free app.
“With studies suggesting we’re spending some 24 hours per week online, the development of this app shows Lifeline’s commitment to being a beacon of hope in the sometimes isolating digital landscape,” Pete says.
The Lifeline Service Finder is powered by Infoxchange’s Service Seeker, software that was developed to allow people to access up-to-date, accurate information on health and welfare support services at any time of the day or night.
The app is now available for download on Apple and Android devices.
For crisis or suicide prevention support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit Lifeline.