Microsoft: Tech for Social Impact
Microsoft, Infoxchange and Connecting Up are inviting not-for-profit staff to attend a special Tech for Social Impact free community event.
Event details
Sydney: Wednesday 20 February 2019, 10:00am – 3:00pm AEDT
Melbourne: Friday 22 February 2019, 10:00am – 3:00pm AEDT
Cost: FREE
What it’s for
This event is designed to help not-for-profits improve their use of technology and the impact they have on their communities.
In order to drive this positive impact using technology, this free event will help you understand how to utilise technology more effectively to modernise processes, enhance reach and achieve your goals.
Who should attend
Anyone who works for a not-for-profit organisation in Australia is welcome to attend, but this event will be the greatest value to organisations with 20 or more staff.
This event is suitable for both technical and non-technical staff and decision makers from not-for-profits in Australia who are interested in improving their use of the Microsoft Cloud.
What will be covered
The day consists of presentations from subject matter experts, technology demonstrations and ideas you can take back to your not-for-profit to help you use technology to focus more on your charitable goals.
We will be sharing resources and initiatives that will enable your charity to take the next step in your digital transformation journey.
To support your charity's development, we will be joined by industry and technology experts from Microsoft, Infoxchange and Connecting Up to deliver presentations and demonstrations on the following topics:
- Accelerating your mission with technology for social impact
- Getting the value out of the Microsoft donation program
- Digital evolution and the Cloud
- What’s new in the Microsoft Cloud
- Improving your collaboration and productivity
- Making the most of your data
- Improving adoption and managing change
- The future of tech in the not-for-profit sector
These topics will be covered through interactive presentations, practical demonstrations, group discussions and case studies from the not-for-profit sector in Australia.
There will also be opportunities for you to network and discuss your technology queries with peers from other charities, learning from their experiences and perhaps striking up new partnerships.
Important information
- Attendance is free
- No need to bring anything other than your enthusiasm!
- Lunch is provided, as well as tea and coffee
- Doors will be open from 9:45am