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- Directory partnership boosts Queensland housing and domestic violence services

Directory partnership boosts Queensland housing and domestic violence services
The Lady Musgrave Trust
“ When families are in crisis, they need to be able to quickly access information that they can depend upon “
Infoxchange’s directory service has improved the provision of quality information and access to crisis services for thousands of women and families in Queensland.
As part of a new partnership, the information in Lady Musgrave’s new online directory is populated via a plug-in to the same service directory that powers Ask Izzy.
Accurate data for people in crisis
The need for an improved directory solution was identified by Lady Musgrave Trust CEO Victoria Parker, who was concerned about the impact on families in crisis of inaccurate or out of date data.
“When families are in crisis, they need to be able to quickly access information that they can depend upon,” said Victoria.
“We know from experience that if they reach out and the information is incorrect or out of date, this can be frustrating, sometimes harmful – or even dangerous.”
Reducing the margin of error
Thanks to the service directory team led by Robyn Karlsen, Lady Musgrave Trust’s service directory listings are now available online for the first time and are kept updated by Infoxchange database updaters.
“It’s important to understand that even a small margin of error on this information can have a huge impact on vulnerable women and families,” said Victoria.
“Knowing that the information is being checked and updated regularly is so reassuring.”
Government services plugging in
The quality of the new directory has already been recognised by the Queensland Department of Corrections and Queensland Police Service’s Vulnerable Persons Unit, who are sharing the directory link with hundreds of women.
“I have a lot of confidence that it’s doing what it’s meant to do because I’ve had direct feedback from a number of frontline organisations,” said Victoria.
“Everyone who has seen it so far has said it’s fantastic, really easy to use and that the data is great.”
Fewer barriers to access
Ensuring as many people as possible are aware and have access to the information they need is key for Victoria and her team.
In 2023 the Trust will be distributing thousands of hard copies of its redeveloped handy guide across Queensland.
This will be the first time the handy guide has been populated via the Infoxchange plug-in.
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Infoxchange Service Directory
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